We’re loving the eggplant this week from our farmer friends at Broadturn Farm in Scarborough, ME!
Broadturn farmers John Bliss and Stacy Brenner are passionate about organic produce and flowers. In 2006, these former ‘suburbanites’ became tenant farmers of land owned and preserved by the Scarborough Land Trust. In 10 years they’ve transformed approximately 12 acres of vacant farmland into a “community-centered organic farm” known for its vibrant Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program, and as a spectacular setting for weddings and events in which their stunning flowers are center-stage.
All of the images on this page (except for the eggplant, which is an in-store snapshot) are courtesy of Broadturn Farm. Visit their website to learn more, or stop by the farm! There are no regularly scheduled tours but visitors are welcome all year round.