Written by Rosemont CEO, Mark Law. 

Ideally long weekends create extra space for us to weave in time gathering around food with family and friends and hopefully some much needed down time to rest and restore. Labor Day is also the best time of year to support our local Maine farmers and enjoy the best tasting food our state produces. Retail is always open, so we are ready and excited to help you create craft some delicious flavors to enhance your gatherings. I’ll still plan on having a nice end of summer get together (on Sunday) and I am a pro at finding crevices of down time for good food whether evening, morning, or late night. Here’s my game plan for the weekend: 

Mornings: My first priority is to gobble up any all-remaining local fruit. The growing season is challenged in Maine, but thankfully we have many dedicated, talented farmers who have learned how to grow consistently delicious varietals so they can harvest until the last possible moment. Obviously, I’ll be consumed with Maine blueberries from multiple farms as the season ends and beautiful peaches from Kelly Orchards in Acton.

I am all in on Maine to start my weekend days…I mix any and all of this fruit together with Milkhouse Yogurt and a whisper of Maya’s honey. Should the weather unfairly lean toward fall, I get equally excited to start my first batch of Maine Grains cracked oat. I round it out with a splash of Winter Hill Milk or Oakhurst ½ and then…the fruit.

Lunch: When I get any time for lunch or a late night snack, I dedicate myself to the BLT. They are supremely good anytime, but I’d say people jump the gun on prime tomato season, but who can blame them. Maine tomatoes make the sandwich and are at their true peak from now until the end September. The pathway to success looks like this: Toasted RMB Multigrain Bread (this loaf was conceived with the BLT in mind), sliced local heirloom tomatoes with a thin dusting of kosher salt and touch of olive oil, Goranson Farms salad mix, our new arrival – Short Creek Farm’s Small Batch Bacon ,and a good smear (both sides please) of Duke’s Mayonnaise.

Party Time: When hosting on a long weekend I aim for easy & delicious. I like to get a good spread on without stretching myself too thin, so can enjoy the company and the food.  I’m calling this party Home & Away.

  • I start traditional with a nice selection of cheese (Winter Hill Bradbury Mountain Blue, Jasper Hill Clothbound cheddar, and Mini-Harbison), crackers (La Panzanella cracked pepper), or a new RMB Sesame Baguette, and some sliced salami (the new Balfour Farm Saucisson Sec).
  • A quick heirloom tomato salad: chopped tomatoes, Narragansett Creamery Mozzarella (how good is this moz!!), a small amount of diced red onion, chopped Olivia’s Farm basil and 1 part Olive Harvest olive oil to 2 parts Catannia White balsamic vinegar.
  • Pineland local beef patties, with our new American cheese and the RMB sesame seed buns…this is easy and a homerun burger!
  • Pearl hot dogs, because a hot dog on Labor Day, I believe, is required by law. Mustard, ketchup, and relish!
  • For the twist: I am adding in Sumner Farms Chicken Thai BBQ style. This is next level Maine chicken and only available during the summer. Marinated, grilled and service with sweet hot dipping sauce, it is truly off the charts and still fits in in with the menu.
  • I round this out with the large serving of the RMB French style potato salad and freshly cut watermelon.

 What I am drinking

  • For the party: La Perla White Rioja and our VRAC Rosé (our #1 seller) and maybe a Magnum of Spinetta Rosé.
    • Pro Tip: I can ‘t get enough of Erich Chevaliers Loire Valley Chardonnay imported by Kermit Lynch.  When the party dwindles pop this for you and your closest.
  • Beer: Oxbow Grand Royal Helles Lager (perfect for a summer holiday).