In 2016, Rosemont Market Productions kicks off a newly vital and exciting roster of dinner events. Four regularly scheduled meals every month, prepared and served by Rosemont Chef Bryan Dame around the bakers’ tables in the inviting, intimate space of Rosemont’s own kitchen, located at 559 Brighton Avenue in Portland.
First Sunday of each month at 6pm | Bean Suppah Classic New England bean supper dishes, using fresh, farm-sourced ingredients.
Second Saturday of each month at 6pm | Pizza Night Six different kinds of handmade pizza, with salad and dessert, using fresh, farm-sourced ingredients.
Third Sunday of each month at 6pm | Meet Your Maker A restaurant experience in the comfort of Rosemont’s kitchen! Extraordinary food, paired with exceptional adult beverages. Each month, we invite a different farmer, brewer, cheesemaker, winemaker, or other artisan from here or away.
Fourth Saturday of each month at 6pm | Cabin Fever Dinner A family-style dinner featuring platters of seasonal foods and delightful live music.
Upcoming Event:
An Evening with Urban Farm Fermentory
Eli Cayer and colleagues from Urban Farm Fermentory will be on hand to start with flights of ciders, meads and kombuchas. Then we’ll get into the four-course meal, each dish paired with a special UFF beverage or two. Come to learn about fermentation and 12-month local food production, but most of all come to dine fabulously!
Tickets and detailed menu available at
Meet Your Maker is an opportunity to spend an evening up close and personal with some of the most creative food and beverage producers from Greater Portland and beyond. The third Saturday of every month, Rosemont is joined by friends who make delicious things to eat and drink, who treat their space and creatures well, and who are a lot of fun to hang out with. In our intimate kitchen space, Rosemont Chef Bryan Dame cooks and serves a dinner incorporating and accompanying the producer’s products, and we all dine together communally and sumptuously.